Monday 27 April 2015

The Upper Berth story illustrations(final design )

after I finished my 2d charter I moved to Cinema 4d to make my final finish to my 3 illustrations


-First illustration is representing a the gust moving  inside cabin 105   in Kamtschatka steamship.

 To build the steamship cabin which is going to be cabin 105 in the story ,I  made 5 cubes shapes  and I placed them on order  to make cabin  walls to I kept one side open to make space for the camera
Then I applied wood material on these cubes .



-Then I put the ghost charcter whcih I made before by using photoshp inside the cabin i used .

-finally I add some lights  and cameras to the scene ,and now  my first illustration is ready to be render .


-second illustration is representing the doctor who is travelling on Kamtschatka steamship
telling Brisbane the mean character of the story about the strange scary events have happened inside the cabin 105.
to build this scene I made one side of the ship which is going to be facing the camera by making cube shape and adjusted it to create the steamship surface and 12 tubes to make steamship border.
Then I add the 4 characters to the scene by using the same alpha channel technique I used for the first illustration.

-finally after I added some materials ,light and camera to scene my second illustration is ready to be render. 

final illustration is  representing Brisbane and the Capitan are fighting the  ghost I used to build the scene the same
cabin shape which I made for the first scene after added the
the characters I made it before on Photoshop
after I added camera and light to scene
my illustrious ready to be render.
This week target
1-finish my project
2-work on project evaluation
3-update my blog
4- work on my final evaluation

Thursday 23 April 2015

The Upper Berth story illustrations(2D design )

This week  I finished making my 2d design  character to my 3 illustrations of  Upper Berth Story

-First I used Photoshop to draw 2d all the  story  character then I used brush tool and layering technique  to colour them  , then  this charters  have to be  installed to the cinema 4d  so  I made black  colored copy of the character to use as an alpha Chanel in cinema 4d

Ghost character line out
ghost character after been colored
Brisbane  and the doctor character line out
Brisbane and the doctor colored   

next week target start
1- start build 3d model of my illustration
2-make art research