My name is Read Mahfuod I am a FD animation
and illustration student, I have made this blog mostly for college work ,and to share with you some of
my won work which I do during my free time working on 3d animation computer
programmes is one of my must enjoyable
hoppy which I have filled my free time with over 10 years , I spend hours trying to discover new technique on graphic and 3d animation programs such as Photoshop ,illustrator ,Maya and 3d max .last year I have reached a first step of my dream that when I started my first professional learning by enrolling at first year FD animation and illustration course in Newcastle college which is going to be step towards being professional animator .
Hi Raed, I have seen your amazing art work. I am looking for a mascot to create for smoothies and juice shop.I love your strawberry creation. If you could let me know if you can help with creating the mascot like that would be great. We can work on upworks.com and I can assign you the project there. Thanks,Mike