first year FD
animation and illustration is finished,
for me it was a my first professional learning on my way to reach my dream to be professional animator,
this dream has started about 10 years ago I have tried over these
year to improve deferent techniques on
graphic and 3d animation programs, so I managed to get some skills on these
programs which allowed me to have general
understanding about 3d and graphic environment
by starting FD animation and illustration course my learning
started to be more academically, so during
this course we have had different projects
to work on which helped me to have wider knowledge about animation techniques and more understanding about animation environment .
first project was about how to do story board ,I learnt
that it is a step in the process of
making basic start of animation, and I fond out that the storyboard is a
graphic representation of how our animation movie will unfold, shot by shot ,
it is made up of a number of square with illustrations or pictures representing
each shot with notes about what is going on the scene and what's being said in
the script during that shot ,it's really helped me
to know how to build a scene from
my storyboard which allowing to
visualize the scene before I start animate it
.second project was about doing short move loop and it have been my first time I do such a 2d animation movie which focuses on creating characters , and backgrounds in tow dimensional environment.I found this project was quite useful to understand basic techniques of building an animation film
.other project was about character design which is a visual representation of a character concept or idea, I have learnt how to build my character on order start form write character background , do initial sketching on paper and then line it out and colour it on Photoshop and illustrator programs , after that I learnt how to build a 3d model of it on cinema 4d program .
.second project was about doing short move loop and it have been my first time I do such a 2d animation movie which focuses on creating characters , and backgrounds in tow dimensional environment.I found this project was quite useful to understand basic techniques of building an animation film
.other project was about character design which is a visual representation of a character concept or idea, I have learnt how to build my character on order start form write character background , do initial sketching on paper and then line it out and colour it on Photoshop and illustrator programs , after that I learnt how to build a 3d model of it on cinema 4d program .
final project we have to do 3 illustration representing 3 part of famous story , I learnt from this project to read the story and understand it in way to be able to visualize it and delver it to the audience
which I have done during this course it really helped me to know about Many techniques
which are used in the animation industry
such as 2D animation, stop motion …etc. However, the 3D animation becomes one
of the most effective technique in animation industry by time consuming, giving
more reality to the animation products by using high quality visual effects. In
addition to that, 3D technique is used now in wide range of scientific and
industrial field. For instance, 3D modeling is an essential tool in medical
industry ,movie industry, architecture industry, mechanical and
earth science by giving clear visual design leading to well planned projects.
during this project we had lots of sections which were very
helpful to know more about deferent technique on 3d animation such as human walk and run cycle ,
how to apply materials , character rig, topology and universal character ,which
all are very important skills to make a complete
animation project .
these projects as it was very useful to learn and improve
new skills in animation industry ,it was a great chance to define my
strengths and my weaknesses and it
showed me the way to use my strength and improve my weakness .so I believe working on 3d pregame is one of my strengths which I think I have good understanding of working
of these kind of programs
my second strength which I believe is that I have a wide and general understating of different
graphic ,animation and editing programs which all are important to make an animation
movie or project .
on other side time management was one of biggest weaknesses, it refers
to the way that you organize and plan
how long you spend on specific activates ,it was one of my biggest barriers which stand on my way of making a good project on
right order and in very good quality
which I think I could do if I managed my
time correctly during last year , second weakness that I believe I need to develop my own unique style of animation and art ,because I think most
of my works don't have a different ID than what other people do so I need to improve
it for future .
to be aware of what are my weaknesses is a first step to find out the way to improve it and make it
strong points ,so after I have defined my weakness I started set a plans for my future work which is going to be focused on it
to improve it to be strong points .so firstly as I said before time management is one of my
weaknesses for that I will try over
coming summer to improve my time management
skills by training myself to
do these 6 steps before and during any
future works or projects :
1-make a list .the thing about making list is that I have to do use them
2-set deadlines
3 -stop multi-tasking 4delegate
5-use my downtime 6 reward myself
so hopefully with practising these steps by the end of summer I
will be able to make a good quality project with less pressure for the next year .
secondly to developed my own unique animation and art
style I am going to practice doing these
steps 1- decide what am going to draw
2 -look at deferent artists works
3-create some character of my own
2 -look at deferent artists works
3-create some character of my own
.working on my weakness is not only thing I am going to do in
my future plan ,I decided to do
more stuff to help me improve more skills on deferent animation program like 3d
max maya ,as well I will try to have some more knowledge of other computer design programs
such as gaming and computer programming ,for this reason I already
bough some learning books .
finally I really fond this year was full of new learning and new improvement in deferent places which makes me believe I am on the right way to achieve what I was always looking for