Monday 30 March 2015

The Upper Berth's illustration broject (Resarch)

in this project we have been asked  to do 3 illustrations that respond to upper berth story and reflect the content  these illustration going to represent three part of the story bagging  middle and the end

The Upper  Berth

I chose the upper berth as the story which I am going  make three illustration representing a three parts of the story  first , middle and the end. The upper berth a story about a ghost on board kamtschatka he had been assigned the lower berth in  cabin 105 and noticed everybody  was nervous about it. on the first night ,he found the window open ,and  heard the man who shared the cabin with him ran away , the following morning he was told that the man had disappeared ,the same had happened to three other men who had travelled in that cabin before, Brisbane soon found that the window would open during the night and was determined to find out what happed he stayed in the  during the night with captain ,and they found there was a strange damp creature in the upper berth they fought it out, and the cabin was locked to passengers ,Neither he nor the captain travelled in the kamtschtka again.   

- history research.

this story take place at 1854 which is  about  a Victorian time  ,so the history research is about this time fashion decoration and lifestyle  all that will help me to build  my illustration character and environment   of the story ,in this story there  is no women  so my fashion research only about men dressing ,during  this time of history, men wore tight- fitting , calf length frock coats and waistcoat or vest and dark tail coat and trousers .the shirts were made of linen or cotton with low collars occasionally turned down.  

As the story take place one steamship I have done some research about the steamships are used in time of the story .


Sunday 29 March 2015

This week target

1-Read Upper Berth story
2-colect some image
3- research related to the story

Thursday 12 March 2015

Character Design (Final)

Dr.RLS  is a rap nickname for an animated rap Lizard singer. He is 16 years old and so impressed withhip hop music and hip hoplifestyle. Moreover, he is a big fan of famous rap singers such as Eminem

Dr.RLS always spend almost his free time with friends in his own small studio, which it is made in a small room having computer with recording software and some recording equipment to compose some beat and lyrics for rap songs

As he has established with his two best friends a hip hop band, doing some local concerts for their friends showing that they are on their way to achieve their dreams to become a famous hip hop band.

Dr.RLS band like to wear hip hop fashion which contains starter jackets male, athletic jerseys classic tall tee visors and big trousers
Character Design story board
My final 3d model after I rigged it is able to do some movement but it need more work
human walk cycle after in basic human shape

project evaluation
Character design project was a good chance to learn new techniques such as how
-First we learnt how to create 3 view projection character which uses to be reference to build 3d model of it .
-Second I learnt how to build 3d character using cinema 4d program .
-final I learnt how to rig character to make the 3d model apple to be animated   
I think I did well in this project but haven’t be able the limit time I haven’t been able to finish my character shape and rig which I am going to do later on

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Human Walk Cycle In Cienam 4D

Human walk cycle in cinema 4d
to do that I have done a very simple shape for human by using capsule shapes to make legs hands arms head then I used joint to do rigging it
and then I started animate the walk cycle by using time line and key framing

next week target
1-do my story board to character design
2-finsh my essay
3-finsh my contextual studies

Monday 2 March 2015

Chatracter Rigging In Cinema 4d

First I had to create  a skeleton ,so to do that I  used joint tool from the characte menu  and then I inserted a joint at the pelvis and then  another  inisde the head by holding Ctrl,then I split the tow joints up by holding shift and then  clicking the connection between the  joints .I have placed one of the splits in between the shoulders ,and then tow up and under the stomach .these joints is  going to be the spine and the top joint for the head and the second top  going to be for the neck .

I used the same (Joint )technique to make arms and legs joints, so I have made joints for the shoulder , arms and hands .then I  have made joints for the legs, heels foot and toes .
Spine and Head Control
To control the movement of head joint I had to make controller by adding spine and then I made it editable after then I moved itover the head of the character, I put the head controller inside the head joint in the( object manger),Then I selected the orange arrows on the left of the cinema 4d screen and then I set all coordinates to 0, I took the head control out of the head joint then I set the rotation coordinates to 0,I added constraint to the head joint in the constraint attribute manager I clicked PSR then I dragged the head controller into the target box and then clicked(R).Now the head controller is ready to control the head joint  .I repeated this procedure to make controllers to next to 2 joints of the spine.

 Shoulder, Arm and Hand
I have done a smellier way of head and spine control to the hand and shoulder control but I had to add IK command form character tag to the shoulder joint and in IK tag in attributes manager, I dragged the hand joint into the end box and the hand controller into the goal box and I added pole, then I moved the pole to get good result when I animating the pole after that I added constraint to the hand joint I chose parent and, Then I dragged  hand controller into the target field and checked  the rotation box .

Before I started rigging the legs I had to make three nulls for the heel toe and foot it had to positioned in their joints And the I repositioned heel null to the bottom and back of the foot .
Then I made foot control under the foot joints then at object manager I placed foot and toe null to heel null ,And then  I placed heel null to the foot control ,then I added constraint to heel joint and checked up and aim box on the aim tab set the axis to z+ and the dragged foot null to target field on up vector I set the axis to y- and z= and then dragged heel null in the target  field ,I added another constraint to the foot joint with same sitting apart from in target field on aim tab changed the foot null to toe null ,I had to add IK tag to the joint as I dragged the heel joint into the end field the added goal and pole ,I moved the pole outwards to the knee in object manager I place the goal into the foot null


Firstly I selected foot control and in the attributes manger clicked user data and I add user data named the data foot roll I set the interface to float slider and the unit to degree and min value to -15 and the max value to 30 ,Then I add Xpresso tag I dragged the foot controller heel null and foot null to xpresso window ,I clicked the red corner on the foot controller box and select user data foot roll
I clicked the blue coroner on the foot null and heel null box's and selected  rotation ,then I inserted tow range mappers by right in first range mapper in the attributes window set input range and output range to degree, and then I clicked the clamp lower box and set input lower and output lower to 0
as well input upper and output upper to 30,then on the second range mapper the input range and output range to degree.
on clamp upper box
se input lower and output lower to 15
Input upper and output upper to 0
Finally I have to connected the foot controller re circle to both range mapper blue circles
and connected the first to heel null and foot null

After I mirrored  the hand and the legs joints my character is ready to be animated and it can do some simple movement.



I had to use weight technique to give to the  character more realistic movement.

Finally the character is ready to do simple movement .
this week target
1. work on character walk cycle
2.finish my Essay.
3. development write up my contextual studies